We provide complete advice in technical, commercial, legal and organizational areas. We are fascinated by the "New Space" and new business with disruptive technologies. Our experience combines professions and high-level projects to complement your team, both in consulting and in joint ventures, business plans and technology transfer. Our services range from technological and economic feasibility assessments, enabling technologies and Technology Readiness Level for investors and start-ups, to collaborative manufacturing projects and flight hardware qualification testing. We support and guide the design process of micro and nanosatellite networks by configuring distributed and collaborative architectures, using CubeSats, PocketCubes and on-demand microsatellites. We have experience in communications (antennas, ISL, GEO-LEO, and Ground Systems) and DTN network design with machine learning and smart nodes for parameter optimization.
Space project management, product and mission assurance, regulations, permits, organizations and international agreements are in high demand, both in the form of training in NASA and ESA standards, either in Education or in the political organization of emerging space agencies. We are prepared for planning and execution with indicators and reviews according to the NASA System Engineering discipline, and ECSS.
We are in a position to use national facilities and qualified personnel for design, supply and procurement management, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing at very competitive costs. We plan and execute flight qualification projects and manage the necessary to achieve flight hours ("Heritage").
Our areas of expertise include solar panels, from cell purchase or development to panelling, energy conversion and storage methods, power distribution units (PDUs), batteries (cells, screening, cycling, packing and testing), monitoring electronics and cycle management. So are the use of COTS and MEMS in space missions of known reliability, at the system level, flight computers (OBC, SBC, from simple CPUs for microsatellites to collaborative network managers), propulsion systems, including advice, availability, joint developments, enabling and available technologies.
Regarding software, we are developers of high quality firmware and software, with processes that implement quality for flight, even in COTS or MIL STD components. We design satellite and ground station networks, with their protocols, and integration with 5G and IoT: the IoS (Space Internet) and 450 LTE. We develop AI for "smart nodes" of networks, learning algorithms for optimizing data paths in a delay-tolerant network (DTN), for example, and we code and optimize AI (machine learning) tools for optimizing design processes for manufacturing by additive techniques. Finally, we carry out VR for AI&T: complete simulators for training and practice of risky manoeuvres, and presentation of information on parts, assemblies and systems on the elements already assembled.
All this expertise and know-how is at your service, at a very competitive price and with very convenient execution times, motivated by our passion for the New Space and the disruptive excellence of high innovation.
Below we share with you a video of the Ninth mission carried out by TLON Space where SOGI S.A. collaborated with software and hardware developments in the navigation, guidance and control system.